Administrative Services

kuwait civil id home delivery 2kd

kuwait civil id home delivery 2kd 2023

kuwait civil id home delivery 2kd provided by the Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI) is a cost-effective option for individuals who are unable to visit a PACI office in person. This service allows all citizens in Kuwait to complete the process of obtaining your Civil ID from the comfort of your home, with a relatively low fee of 2 KD. 

kuwait civil id home delivery 2kd

kuwait civil id home delivery 2kd means that the cost for home delivery of a Kuwaiti Civil ID card is 2 Kuwaiti Dinars. This service allows individuals to apply for and receive their ID cards without needing to visit a government office in person.

kuwait civil id home delivery registration

how does the kuwait civil id home delivery registration processes? To register for home delivery of your Kuwaiti Civil ID card, you can easily do so online by following these simple steps:

  1. Go to the official website for the PACI Kuwait Civil ID Home Delivery Registration service.
  2. Read and accept the terms and conditions before beginning the registration process.
  3. Select the option that applies to you: “Old Card Available” if you already have an old PACI Kuwait Civil ID or “Old Card not available” if you do not have one.
  4. Enter your Civil ID number and serial number.
  5. Provide your contact information, including your name, contact number, email address, preferred language, desired delivery time, and card delivery address.
  6. Click the “Next” button to verify your contact details.
  7. Save a copy of the receipt by printing it, saving it as a PDF, or taking a screenshot.

read about: easy civil id delivery 2kd: A Step-by-Step Guide

paci civil id home delivery tracking

individuals in kuwait both citizens and residents can request and  activate the home delivery service and track the delivery status of their Civil ID by applying the following steps 

  1. Go to the Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI) website.
  2. Find the option for tracking the home delivery of your Civil ID.
  3. Enter the required information such as your Civil ID number or order number.
  4. Check the status of your delivery, which will inform you if it has been dispatched, in transit, or delivered.

kuwait civil id home delivery 2kd 2023

civil id delivery kuwait contact number

If you require assistance with the home delivery service for your Kuwait Civil ID offered by the Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI), you can contact the delivery department by calling the following phone number: 22 06 65 50. This number can be used to ask questions or address any issues you may have with the home delivery service. Additionally, you can track the status of your delivery by calling the number 1889988 for assistance.

civil id delivery kuwait link

The civil card delivery page in Kuwait can be accessed directly via the following link This link allows citizens and residents of the State of Kuwait to apply for home delivery of the civil card, by following the steps that were provided above.

In conclusion, kuwait civil id home delivery 2kd allows individuals to apply for and receive their ID card without needing to visit a government office in person. The process for home delivery registration typically involves submitting an application and paying the 2 KD fee for home delivery. 

Frequently asked questions

Who is eligible for home delivery of their Kuwait Civil ID?
Citizens and residents of Kuwait who are unable to visit a PACI office in person are eligible for home delivery of their Civil ID.
How much does home delivery of the Civil ID cost?
The cost for home delivery of a Kuwaiti Civil ID card is 2 Kuwaiti Dinars.
What documents are required for home delivery of the Civil ID?
The required documents may include proof of identity and proof of residence.

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